Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Answers to My Prayers...



(every time Kanye comes on VHI, Tek will stop what he is doing and get close to the tv and dance. -- please ignore the fact that our tv is on a laundry basket... so embarrassing, you would think we grew up in Wrightsville.)

His future wife is one lucky lady!

We spent a little while at the park today....

I think I am just going to stop with Tek. No more kids... what are the chances of getting a kid this amazing again?? Not only is he well behaved and charming, but seriously he is the cutest kid in the entire world!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Back by Popular Demand!

I'm sorry its been so long, but here are more pics of our little man!

Superbowl Sunday, representing like a true Browns fan... always optimistic. (Like the drool across the front? I think he is starting to cut a few more teeth.)
Browns shirt courtesy of Auntie Amy. :)

Tek LOVES to read. He will bring this Dr. Seuss book back to you to read a least a dozen times a night.
If you try to put it aside, he will get it back and insist!

If you ever want to make our child smile, just sing itsy bitsy spider. He will laugh and start doing the motions instantly. It has cured many a bumped head. :)

We have a gate covering the front of the fireplace. (I FINALLY have a fireplace and it has a child's gate blocking it, so sad.) Anyway, Tek has taken to throwing his toys, shoes, and anything else he can find over the gate.

Mommy and Tek love to play "superman."
Look at that smile!
When I put him down he will just stand there looking at me as if saying, "Mom, I am not finished yet!"

I have to study for a test now. I will try to update everyone on our life this week. At least you now have some pictures to hold you over.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm no Kate!

Hello from Savannah. Andy here. Kate is usually the one updating this blog, but time is not something she has any extra of right now. I know that she usually has a lot of pictures and clever captions under them, but as the title suggests, I'm no Kate.

For those who don't know, she started school this semester and is making the transition back to studying after having left it years ago. As is typical of her, she is doing amazing. She spends tons of time studying and worrying that she isn't going to cut it. Her first algebra quiz was last week, and after finishing before anyone else, was sure she didn't do well. When she got it back, not only did she finish first, she got a hundred percent! She probably doesn't want me writing this, but Tek and I are super proud of her and wanted to tell everyone.

I don't know how often she will be able to get to the blog, so I guess I am going to have to learn how to add pictures.