Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Last day in UAE

We are finishing up our time here in Abu Dhabi and packing to head up to Dubai. We will spend this evening in Dubai and stay overnight in a hotel and fly to Ethiopia at 8:00 Thursday morning.

Our final sight seeing here was Heritage Village, where they show what life was like before they figured out they had oil, and a quick dip in the Persian Gulf. On the way back from the beach we had an incident with the cab driver. I noticed as we were driving that his meter was shut off and he was being super friendly like he was our best friend. When we got to our destination he tried to charge us 50 dirhams. If the meter was running it would have been about 15. There was no way I was going to pay it and I started arguing, but Kate just wanted out of the cab and grabbed the money from my hands and handed it to him. So if you are ever in a cab, make sure the meter is on. All in all, pretty good fun.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Getting Anxious

We are having a great time in Abu Dhabi, but Kate is ready to meet Tek! We went to the Emirates Palace today which is as extravagant as it sounds. They had an exhibit of Picaso works which was really interesting. There were headphones you could wear that gave extra insight into the works. It helped me understand the art much better. We also visited a giant mall that had a ski slope inside of it. It was sort of funny seeing all of these pictures of winter scenes when your in the desert.

We ate at an amazing restaurant for dinner. Kate and I budgeted for two expensive meals on the trip so I didn't even look at prices when ordering. I don't get to do that often so it was a good night. Dinner is a 4 hour event here...I could get used to that.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Our Itinerary for Ethiopia

For those of you who are interested... here is what life will be like when we are in Ethiopia. I cannot believe it is only a few days away. I can't wait to hold my baby in my arms for the first time.
Thursday: Arrive in Addis Ababa at 11:35am. Hang out until we get a ride to the Guest House at 9pm.
Friday: MEET TEKETEL!! :)
Saturday: More TEKETEL!! Dinner show at Crown Hotel.
Sunday: Travel south to Hossana.
Monday: Even more Teketel! Shopping, museums, etc.
Tuesday: Going away celebration for the children at the care center. Teketel can now stay in our room. US embassy for visa interview.
Wednesday: Spending the day with Teketel. Hairbraing class
Thursday: Ethiopian cooking class and then we leave for the airport! :)

We've landed in Dubai

We made it to Dubai, and after a two hour cab adventure we arrived safely at our cousins in Abu Dhabi. It is always interesting to be in a new culture. My only reference to Middle East culture has been the news and movies and it is really surreal to be in the middle of the real thing. I am trying to get Kate to switch her wardrobe to all abaya's but she isn't going for it.

When we were in the security line in London the guy in front of us asked us where we were going. When we responded the we were going to Ethiopia he told us that he was Ethiopian. He was really excited about our adoption and told us how he was a youth pastor in Houston. It was really cool and after he left Kate and I both commented on how he looked like an older version of Tek. (and no, we don't think all Ethiopians look alike)

Tommorow: Visit the Emirates Palace

Saturday, May 24, 2008

We're off!

We left Savannah at 5:30 (sat.) and are currently in Houston waiting to board our plane to London. From London we will fly to Dubai and arrive at 3 a.m. Monday morning. We will spend 3 days in Dubai and Abu Dhabi before flying to Ethiopia on Thursday. We will be in Ethiopia for a week and then come home through Amsterdam and Newark.

This much Travel is usually tiring, but hopefully the excitement of a new baby will override it.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm a mommy!

Let me catch everyone up to speed. On 09/05/07 (Andy's birthday) all of our paperwork was accepted and we were "officially waiting." I know that doesn't sound exciting to most people, but anyone that has adopted understands. When you are "officially waiting" you have spent A LOT of time on paperwork and someone seemed to think your work was okay. And so you begin the wait. Honestly, the wait wasn't horrible for us. I hated all the time before the wait, getting the stacks of paperwork done, that I actually enjoyed the time just waiting. The wait times began to increase considerably, so I was preparing myself for a very long wait. But then on March 5, 2008 as I was walking away from my desk at 5:03 p.m. my phone rang. Andy was picking me up that day and just happened to come up. He told me to ignore it and lets go. I don't know if it was me always wanting to do the opposite of what Andy says or if it was a mother's intuition, but I felt like I should answer. And I did. It was Kristina with our referral. After several "shut-up"s, I finally settled down enough to hear what she had to say. She informed us that there was a four month old boy named Teketel Barnabas that was matched with us. She then emailed us his picture. He was beautiful. Kristina also sent us health & family history and we then sent that to our doctor. After speaking with our doctor we felt that Teketel was a match for us and that we would like nothing more than to be his parents.

A few days later we accepted the referral. And then the most difficult wait began. Our court date was set for April 16th, meaning that was the day the Ethiopian courts would decide if we were fit parents and if so they would then have the birth certificates issues with Andy and my name on it. April 16th took forever to come. But when it did Kristina called early to tell us we made it! Another step down. Now we just had to wait for the birth certificate. Easy right? Not so much! Ethiopia is currently in a drought and since they primarily use hydro-electric power, there have been many power outages. So, usually the birth certificate comes in 1-3 weeks, we had to wait 3 1/2 weeks. I think the wait is the most difficult when you already know he is your son, but you just can't have him yet!

On May 13th, Kristina called to email our birth certificate and to give us our travel date. She said we are scheduled to be in Ethiopia on May 29th. Finally, its actually happening!

Fast forward to today, 4 days before we leave (May 24th we fly to Dubai to visit my cousin Erick for 4 days) and I am stressed. I was shopping on Sat. at Wal-Mart for baby items and suddenly began to feel very overwhelmed. I don't know anything about formula or diapers or bottles. Luckily, my cousin Melissa was on call and she walked me through it. And today Andy and I were packing Tek's suitcase (well I was packing, he was pretending to while he watched House on TV. But I will give him credit he was diligent with the weighing of suitcases) and I have no idea what clothes to back. Tek is underweight, a mere 12.43 lbs but he is long, 26.5 inches. So, 3-6 months fit his weight, but 6-9 months fit his length! So which do I take? Grr.... I am frustrated. I guess I will just take whatever might get me through the week in Ethiopia and we will sort it out when we get back.

So, this all should catch you up. The main goal of this blog is to keep all our Ohio family and our Savannah family in the know when we travel. I am going to try to post as much as I can from Ethiopia. But while you are waiting for those exciting entries, enjoy the pictures of Tek! : )