Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pool Party

I purchased a baby pool the other day. I use the term "baby pool" loosely. It is fairly large, large enough to fit two adults with Tek. It is very hot here in Georgia and I plan on spending just as much time in that pool as Tek. Which brings me to reason #3243 why adoption is amazing, three weeks after bringing my baby home I am able to shamelessly get in my bikini. :) 

Tek LOVES the water. Uncle Cody and Aunt Nicki came over for dinner and snapped this picture of Tek in the pool. 
Thank God for my friends and their cameras. 

Never have I felt so white in all my life than yesterday morning when Tek and I were in the pool with the sun beating down on us. Tek's caramel skin made me look translucent. I need to go to the beach! Which is exactly what I am planning to do today. Alas, my skin will never be as beautiful as my Ethiopian prince's. He will forever put me to shame. 

Stay tuned for a recapping of Tek's first time to the beach. I am certain he will love it as much as we do. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay, we made it onto the blog!