Sunday, December 7, 2008

Birthday Weekend in Raleigh

This weekend I spent in Raleigh with my good friend, Liza. Andy was so kind as to keep Tek this weekend (Thank you Penny for helping!)

Liza lives in Williamsburg, VA so we decided to meet in Raleigh for a weekend of Christmas shopping. We got a great hotel downtown (for cheap!) and spent Saturday & Sunday shopping. It was great! Here are a few pictures from our trip.

The most comfortable bed ever! And we slept in until 9:30!
I haven't slept in that late since May!

Whatcha looking for Liza? I don't think I am ready for this jelly!

Too bad its only me that we can see in that window!

Can you tell its only 20 degrees??!! The Ohio is OFFICALLY out of me! I HATE the cold!

The COLDEST cannon in the world. I am surprised we weren't frozen to it.

The moment I learned I have a "type." Its Liza! :) Thank you Liza for that...

Liza: I had a blast, not to mention I learned so much! I hope that we can convince Andy that skiing is necessary, not just desired. Maybe I will see you soon. Thanks for being a great friend, I truly could not ask for a better friend than you. Give my love to Kurtis and apologize that we never sent the picture. And I know you can't hear the song I have with this blog at work... so check it out at home... its now your theme song!

By the way... Happy Shunday... I mean Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you too. But how come I can't hear the song?!? :(