After the park we came back to the house and watched the end of the Georgia vs. Georgia Tech game. Yes, I watched football, an entire quarter actually! Andy wasn't home to enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity. :) I actually enjoyed it, it was a close game, so a little too suspenseful, but a good game nonetheless. Danette was cheering for Georgia and I found myself cheering for Georgia Tech. I probably was cheering for them because they were the underdog but whatever the reason I was glad I did since they won! You see, one of the main reasons I hate watching football is because you dedicate all this time and energy into this game and then in the end your team may lose and then you are just depressed. I hate that feeling. So, the result today made the experience more enjoyable. Not that I am going out now to get a Georgia Tech jersey... well you never know, I might. :) I mean they are responsible for redeeming football for me, well at least for a day or so. I think because of this game I may actually watch the OSU bowl game. Go Bumblebees! (Okay, yellow jackets, but they really do look like bees.)
Happy Mother's Day!!!
8 years ago
Did you recently get your hair colored. Looks good in these pictures.
Can you believe you live in this most beautiful place. No coats, beautiful leaves and a world to be explored. Hope you are doing as well as it seems.
I don't want to hear it...
It's YOUR FAULT they live there!!!!!!!!
Oh... congrats on baby, merry christmas & all that.
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